
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NATO involvement in Libya

    Presidents Obama's views on involvement in Libya are very clear.  He wants to send military in to help the people rebel against Mommar Gadaffi.  He wanted to help the people and that was very clear.  He talked about a no fly zone so that the people could not get bombed by the Libyan military and he had the people in mind.  Mitt Romney's view is not as clear.   At first he is saying that it took Obama long enough to send troops and help out the Libyans, but then he became way too aggressive.  First he is not aggressive enough and right away he becomes too aggressive.  Then when Gadaffi dies Romney is happy that he is dead.  He says taht he was a tyrant and it is a better world without him, and that the tactics used were well thought out.  Romney's views are not very clear on involvement in Libya but it is clear that he wanted involvement in Libya and he did not want Gadaffi in power.


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